The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Friday, August 13, 2004

The Party of God

I posted the following to a message forum for the Constitution Party. It's an observation that fits any political party, though.

In my opinion, no political party, candidate, or platform should be considered as "religion." In my experience, with any political party, I have found that there are a host of people who use one or all of these things as a replacement for religion in their lives.

Most people have a driving need for religion of some kind, whether it be organized or not, to give their lives meaning. Many, in their search for this, do not realize it's religion they're after and replace religion with Internet chat rooms, pornography, books, politics, and anything else you can name. These are commonly called "addictive personalities," but I don't think the term stretches far enough.

It's possible to be politically motivated and to work hard to promote a party, candidate, or ideal without becoming a "zealot" for the "cause" and thus stepping into the realm of religious zeal with your work.

For many, however, it's an easy step and comes naturally. I find these people to be the most dangerous: not only to the political party/candidate/etc., but also to the cause and many times to themselves.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!


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